A great day at the Great Wall - 11/30

Hi friends and family of Global Semester! This is Ellie to tell you about our 91st day. Today was the last day of November which was a wake up call to many of us that we only have 22 more days together!

After breakfast on our own (or in my case, sleeping in and eating an apple as I left my room), we were off to see our last World Wonder of the trip: the Great Wall of China! The two hour bus ride there went by fast for those of us who slept the whole way (a talent many of us globies have perfected throughout Global).

When we arrived, we first stopped for lunch to fuel up before our hike up to the Great Wall, which our guide, Zoe, promised us would be 1,000 steps up. I immediately did the math in my head and realized that meant this was almost 3 times the amount of steps as the Dome we climbed in Florence, and after 3 months of gorging myself on rice, I was in much worse shape, so moral of the story: this hike up would be rough. Nevertheless, the majority of us opted for this climb over the ride in the cable cars, and we were thankful for the heat the climb provided us on this cold day (well at least until our sweat started to freeze...) and let’s just say that us globies will be feeling those 150 flights (according to my Fitbit) tomorrow.

When we got to the top, we were amazed. For most of us, this was a dream come true. We immediately stared exploring, snapping pictures, singing I’ll Make a Man Out of You from Mulan, and having a great time.

Back at campus, many of us opted to stay in the warm building for the rest of the night enjoying Chinese cup of noodles, Teen Wolf, and movies, while others ventured back out into the cold to explore more of Beijing.


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