Coming to an End - 12/20

Hi everyone! This is Ellie for my final blog post of Global Semester.

For many of us, today was the day that hit home that Global Semester is coming to an end. Traveling with this group has begun to feel so normal that many of us have expressed that “it is just our life now; this is what we do.” However, with our last group meal, our last sharing time, and our last singing of Um Ya Ya, we are forced to face that their is an end to our 114 day journey.

Globies spent their day finishing things up in Beijing. For some, that meant finishing the two papers we have; for others, that meant visiting a few lasts sites of Beijing including seeing the pandas at the Zoo, visiting the Olympic Village, shopping at more markets, and eating one last meal of orange chicken. That night, we feasted on delicious Chinese food for our last group meal (and our last meal with the Lazy Susan tables!), and we said goodbye and thank you to our amazing trip organizer here in Beijing, Zoe.

Afterwards, our group gathered together for our last “sharing time”. The Ripleys were incredibly organized and gifted each student a few items from various countries we had visited (one of which included a hand made bracelet that they made themselves!); the gifts were so touching and we all truly appreciated it. The students were less organized and gifted the Ripleys a Thank You card and a promise of more to come in January. However, no card nor gift could ever express how thankful we are for the Ripleys on this trip; they have done so much for us these last four months, and we will be forever grateful. Next, we had the “Globie Awards” sponsored by the Social Committee, which was a fun way to reflect on each person in our group. We ended the sharing time by sharing funny memories from our trip (highlights included Time Elevator Jerusalem and “Surprise, its closed!”). Finally, as is our custom, us Globies concluded the night with our favorite show, Teen Wolf, and don’t worry— we have already promised to continue watching together over Interim.

Finally, us Globies would like to specifically thank Larry and Lynn Stranghoener for their generous donation that has made this trip possible for us. We are so grateful for this opportunity you have provided us and the memories and lessons we will take away from it! 


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