12/19 -- Temple of Heaven and Sophie's Birthday!

Hi it’s James,

The day started out with a nice surprise of hot chocolate and coffee for our final day of class. Built into class was a time to reflect on the trip. The reflection time in class mirrored the reflection we have provided in our final papers, and was a nice way to flush out some thoughts and hear what people had to say. After class we had a few hours to relax and get lunch before our last tour as a group. At 12 we all loaded on the bus and set off for the Temple of Heaven. We spent a few hours exploring, learning about it’s historical context, and of course taking a lots of pictures. At the end of our time exploring we walked all the way through the park where the temple was putting us very close to our next stop for the day, the pearl market. Here we went our separate ways getting some last minute shopping done. Some went back to the dorms after a few hours. Personally me and a few others took the subway to another market for a bit more variety. After about 4 hours and two markets and a lot of barging I was done with all of my holiday shopping! We left the market on the subway and stopped at a build your own soup restaurant on the way home. For most of the group the end of the night was spent at our second home here in china, the laker’s restaurant across the street from campus celebrating Sophie’s 21st birthday!


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