(12/18) Hanging Temple and a Bus-Ride Home

Hi everyone! This is Peder, writing about our final events in Datong and the remainder of our day.

After a great buffet-style breakfast at our hotel with buns and coffee, we all piled into the bus and traveled to the Hanging Temple. This temple hangs on the side of a mountain and is the only existing temple that has a combination of Buddhist, Confucian, and Daoist elements. It was awesome to be there and witness it. This was probably the coldest experience of Global so far as well as an incredibly beautiful one. We spent a couple of hours touring this incredible sight, bundling up to stay warm in the wind, before jumping back into the bus to go back to Beijing. The bus ride was about six hours and people took advantage of this time to work on their final projects, read, and catch up on some rest.

We arrived back to Capital Normal University about 7 pm and went separate ways for dinner. A few of us took the subway to a restaurant called Mr. Shi's where we had a delicious dinner with all sorts of dumplings.

It's so crazy that the trip to Datong was our last excursion together. It's sad to know that our unbelievable semester is coming to an end in just a couple of days but we are excited for the chance to tell all of our stories in person. Thanks for keeping up with us, see you all soon!


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