Travel Day - 11/8

Hi family and friends! This is Ellie to fill you in on the 69th day of Global semester.

We started off the day by packing up to leave Chennai and head to Aurangabad. However, because of a 20 lbs lower weight limit, packing proved to be much more challenging than usual. In order to to make this low weight limit, we all had to access our limited belongings and decide what we were willing to part with. For me, this meant finally throwing out the flip flops I broke back in Egypt. For others, it meant tossing shirts that will be forever stained with sweat and leaving behind old homework assignments and handouts. Living out of a suitcase for the last 69 days has made us value our belongings we crave back at home as well as allowed us to consider the possibility of living more of a minimalistic life.

With most of our bags carefully packed to 33 lbs, we headed to the airports in 3 vans filled with Oles and suitcases. All of us were excited to head to Northern India, but possibly more importantly, we were ecstatic to have our first flights of Global Semester that neither required us to wake up before 5am nor spend a whole night on the plane.

Because our first flight arrived late to Mumbai, we were bussed directly between planes to our second flight which took us to Aurangabad where we arrived at our hotel by 7pm. While it was not a night flight or an early morning flight, the day was still a busy and draining travel day. Upon arriving at the Kailas Hotel, we feasted on a delicious north Indian meal (which featured many of the Ole’s favorite dish: nan). Afterwards, we gathered in one of our rooms for a Globie sharing time where we talked, laughed, and cried about our struggles and the amazing time we are having with each other.


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