Free Day! 11-22-17

Today was a free day! Most of us chose to spend the day at Disneyland. This was a huge success, whether we were a part of the "savage group" who spent the day sprinting through the park, or we took a more relaxed approach, walking through the different parks, jumping on the rides, and picking up some snacks, everyone had a "magical" day. It was very relaxing to be in the familiar surroundings of Disney movies and songs which often lead to spontaneous singing and dancing down the streets. 
Others of the group chose to adventure out into the city which was also a success. Activities of that group included a hunt for the picturesque basketball court that often appears on travel Instagrams, and the unique experience of dining at Mr. Wong's. 

Throughout the day the excitement of Thanksgiving was another thing to look forward to, although this also included some feelings of sadness and a wish to be with our families. As we look ahead we are also excited about our last month of Global Semester and the wonderful times that we will have in Beijing! 


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