A Globie Halloween!


Hello! Macy here to give you the update for the day of our Halloween celebrations!

The day started late for most of us, as we took advantage of a much needed empty morning to sleep in. After a late breakfast and a cup of coffee, many of us decided to work on our presentations for our HMI class. On Monday, we each will give a seven to eight minute speech on different aspects of religions of India, from Hinduism to Islam to Zoroastrianism.

Others chose to work on their Halloween costumes for the night, scrounging supplies from HMI and our suitcases.

Finally, after dinner, the spooky festivities began! We gathered in the dining hall and admired our friends as Gandhi, Minnie and Mickey Mouse, Pennywise and Georgie, Princess Fiona and more before moving on to Halloween song trivia! Afterwards, we got into groups and competed for how many water bottle flips we could each flip in a minute. One team dominated with a cumulative score of almost 70! Finally, we played a game of pass the apple, but with a catch. We had to pass an apple down a line and back without using your arms. After a fun and stressful twenty minutes, the game was won and the party broke up. We tucked in and got ready for an early morning the next day!


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