12/5 Lectures and Sports

Hello Global blog post followers! I'm excited to share a day that wasn't just a typical day here in Beijing!

The day began, as many have, with Professor Ripley's class. We officially finished reading McLaren's book, Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha and Mohammed Cross the Road? Christian Identity in a Multi-faith World. This book has tied together our journey so far, and finishing it drew mixed reactions from the group. It has definitely been thought-provoking as proven by the many discussions it sparked both in and outside of class.

After class, a large group played ultimate frisbee for a while. Several people followed this up with a run - so much athleticism! Another group visited the Nest and Olympic Village from the 2008 Olympics. Apparently, a student discount can be easily obtained through two easy steps. First, be a student. Then present an ID - it can be anyone's in any form. Those who went enjoyed it, and some who didn't are hoping to soon! The rest of us took some time to relax around the dorm.

From 6-9 we had our first guest lecturer in Beijing! Professor Feng Naixiang was animated and always smiling. It was almost impossible to not be engaged despite the later time. He shared his wealth of knowledge about China's economy both past and present. Next week, he'll be back to share everything we didn't get to and more!

Thanks for checking in!


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