Another low-key day in Beijing!

Hello Everyone!

Today we started off our day in Professor Ripley’s class discussing the book we’ve been reading through the semester. Then we got more free time before our final language class. I’m still not quite sure what to do with the free time we’ve been getting this week. Especially after a semester of being on the go constantly! :-) Quite a few of us headed to the coffee shop across the street from our dorm (how convenient!) to work on homework before lunch. One of the best discoveries this week (in my opinion) is the restaurant with a sushi buffet that’s in our dorm which quite a few of us ate at for lunch. After lunch we had our final language class. We learned transportation vocab today to help us navigate around Beijing. Our knowledge of transportation vocab was put to the test, as most of the class went to the Silk Market to look for warm coats, hats and mittens before we head to the Great Wall tomorrow (YAY!!). We finished the night at Laker’s for pizza, which is also conveniently across the street from us. The last few days have been very low-key, which has felt really nice, but tomorrow we head to the Great Wall of China!

Until next time,


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