The last day

To say that this was one of the longest days of our lives would not be an understatement, by the time we made it to the Minneapolis airport it was the 29th hour we had been awake (those who went to Seattle had a similar situation). This very long day was filled with a lot of active! Most of us (besides Ellie because she had already left) woke up at 7 to say goodbye to the 4 people fighting to Seattle! Those who were left in china finished some last minute packing and essay writing before we headed off to a group lunch at the “orange chicken restaurant”. All 12 of us packed into one table had a great last lunch. By the time we got back it was time to load the bus and set off to the airport. After checking in we all gathered at the gate waiting to board. When it was almost time to get on we said good by to the Riply Family and filed onto the plan. After a lot of movies, journaling, plane food and listening to a crying baby we touched down in the US. It was time for another round of good byes to those who were not flying to Minneapolis. The flight from Detroit came and went and we were in Minneapolis. Riding down those escalators was very surreal, we were greated by families and friends with signs and warm looks. The Airport was filled with tears and long good byes for the last night of Global.

I can’t believe that this trip has come and gone already, it feels like yesterday that we were dragging our luggage to the hotel in Rome. Writing this last Blog post in a coffee shop in Minneapolis doesn’t even feel real yet. Overall I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to travel with and although we are all back (besides Ellie in Singapore, she will be back soon) in the U.S the effects Global will have on our lives are only just beginning. Thank you to everyone who followed this blog, and I believe I speak for everyone when I say we are all so happy that you got to live vicariously through us on this journey.


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