Singing on a Sunday - 12/10/2017

Hola! Brodie here. Today was one of our remaining free days, so people went off and did whatever they felt like doing! Many Globies chose to study and write papers today, but others chose to explore the Beijing some more. A few people checked out the art district in Beijing as well as the Olympic village, while others went to some of the markets to do a little bit of shopping. Later at night a fairly large group of us went out and enjoyed singing karaoke and thankfully they had songs in English! Otherwise that would not have been as much fun.. For the karaoke, you rent out a private room with tv screens, tons of party lights, and, of course, microphones! After about 3 hours of Globies enthusiastically dancing and singing to their favorite songs, we finished up with “Lean on me” and headed back to the university. All in all, it was a great way to finish out the weekend. Tomorrow, we get down to business in the classroom again.


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