One last plane ride for the globies 11/24

Hello again friends and family of Global!!! Matthew here once again to tell you all about our day on November 24th. We started our last morning in Hong Kong by taking a bus to the airport and saying goodbye to our wonderful tour guide Vivian. After navigating through the Hong Kong airport and catching a tram to our gate, we boarded our flight for the quick two and a half hour jaunt up to Beijing. It was a bitter sweet moment for a lot of us, as this was the last flight that the entire global group would be together for. After this brief moment of sadness, we quickly got pumped up for our time in China. We met our new tour guide Zoe after we made it through customs, and she seems to be a bundle of joy and excitement. We were woefully unprepared for the cold weather that greeted us and quite a few globies could be seen running for the cover of the bus as soon as we ventured out of the airport doors.  After we got to Normal University of Beijing, we settled into our rooms and then proceeded down stairs for an amazing family style dinner. After this, a couple people decided to venture out in search of warmer clothes for the coming month. Others decided that this would be the perfect time to go out and explore the outdoor basketball courts. Both groups had a great night and we are ready for the last leg of our adventure!


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