Hong Kong Thanksgiving - 11/23/17

Happy Thanksgiving from Hong Kong! As you might have guessed, Thanksgiving is not quite as big here as it is back in Minnesota. Though it felt a bit strange at first to be celebrating a holiday that no one around us observed, in a way that made it even more special and more personal to our group. We started the day with some group activities, sharing what we're thankful for on this trip and what this trip has made us thankful for back home, and then writing notes of affirmation to each other. After that, we shared in a turkey feast with a few Chinese students as well as some Oles who live here. The rest of the day was free so different people embarked on their own adventures. Many of us digested our food while watching Mulan, then some went shopping, others went to Victoria's Peak, and others just walked around the city. Though we all miss our families and our holiday traditions from home, I think the whole group can agree that we are very thankful for our Global family and for our unique and wonderful Hong Kong Thanksgiving.


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