11/20 - First Full Day in Hong Kong!

Hi all! It’s Brodie. I’m excited to say that today (11/20) was our first full day in Hong Kong! We started our day off with a trip to the Confucius Institute where we received a brief introduction on ancient China and culture and afterwards we tried on some traditional robes. Apparently the black robes with red were usually worn by the Emperor and Empress (so Anna and I definitely made the right choice in robes). After our introduction, we grabbed lunch at the university’s cafeteria before walking over to the Hong Kong History Museum. The history museum had eight different sections and each contained exhibits and information from different periods in Hong Kong’s history (all the way from 400 million years ago all the way to the present). We allocated an hour to meandering through the museum, but definitely I could have spent upwards of 3 or 4 hours there (if anyone goes to Hong Kong soon, I would strongly recommend planning a visit there!!). After our history lesson, we hopped on a couple ferries for about 45min and made our way over to a fishing village on a different island. Once there, we were given the afternoon to explore.. some of use chose to investigate the “pirates caves,” some went up to the outlook, and some chose to go wherever there was warmth (we didn’t exactly dress for the weather). After a quick dinner on the island, we hopped a ferry back to the main city and most of us settled in at the hotel for the night. All in all, it was a full day of activity, but it was amazing!


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