11/19/2017 - Break Ends, the Final Stretch Begins

Hello friends and family, Macy here. Today was the end of our break in Thailand, and the day we departed for Hong Kong. Although we are sad to be leaving our paradise, we are excited to see what Hong Kong and China have to offer!

We started off the day with a much welcomed late start, before breakfast in and around the hotel. Some of us chowed down on pho, others had thai jelly, and still more ventured out. We saw our first Christmas decorations at a nearby Starbucks. At noon, the newly reunited group made our way to the airport and flew to Hong Kong!

At the airport we met the energetic Vivian, who will be leading us around the city. Then we drove the Salisbury YMCA in the middle of the city. It is the most amazing YMCA any of us have ever been in. After a quick dinner at nearby fast food joints we turned in, ready to start a full day of touring tomorrow!


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