Lunch and lectures


Hi it's  james 

    Our day started as it usually does, us attempting to navigate the spicy breakfast foods of Hyderabad, apparently known for having one of the spiciest cuisines in all of India. From breakfast we went to our daily devotion. Today, devotion was a Hindu Carnatic music performance. After about an hour of being serenaded by the vocals of the two sisters doing all the singing for the group, the devotion section came to a close and we were off to our first lecture of the day. The lecture was a continuation of one we started yesterday on India society, looked at it in both a contemporary and a historical context. It turned out that this continuation unexpectedly took us all the way to lunch. Lunch came and went and we made our way back to the lecture hall for the second lecture of the day. This personally anticipated lecture was based on the modern formation of India's political system. India is sometimes referred to as the nation of nations and is comprised of both a unitary system of government like the U.K., and a federal system like the United States, which made for a very intriguing couple of hours ( at least for me). With the day flying by, before we knew it we found ourselves at dinner. The day wasn't quite over yet, we split up, some going to play badminton and some going to have a short dance party then watch a movie. Unfortunately the movie was interrupted by a power outage, which sent everyone back to their rooms to work on homework or go to sleep. 

    So far my time in Hyderabad has been, breathtaking, eye opening, and a stimulation  overload. This has personally been accompanied by the removal of slugs in the morning and the consistent battle to find an equilibrium point between the air conditioning and the number of blankets used when going to bed. I believe all of this is what makes Global, Gobal. Even thought it can be uncomfortable and overwhelming at times, I think I speak for all of us when I say it is and has been a wonderful experience so far. 


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