Exploring the Fort of Golkonda - 10/21/17

Hey friends and family, it's Adam! After many jam-packed days here at HMI, attending lectures, visiting temples and mosques, rigorous academic work, us Globies were blessed with a day of rest and recovery. Some of us participated in a morning yoga session, but many of us took the opportunity to sleep in!

But of course, us being the adventurous Oles we are, we could not sit still for too long, not when there are so many beautiful places in Hyderabad to explore! We decided to spend our afternoon wandering through the citadel of the Fort of Golkonda, a medieval structure built on top of a rocky cliff that overlooks the city. We had so much fun taking photos and running through the greenery. The photo here is one I took of Sophie, Hannah, Clare, and Alexandra at the very top! 


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