AUC Day 2: A Success

Hi all! It’s Brodie. Today was our second day of classes and our second day of apartment living. While class is mandatory, some of us have realized that cooking our own food for every meal is not. Two days on our own, and (I didn’t think I would say this) I miss the St. Olaf cafeteria.. 

Anyways, this was our first full day of lecture and we had incredible amounts of information enthusiastically thrown our way by Professor Bertini here at AUC. We eased into the day with an in-depth look at the 30 dynasties which occupy the time frame of roughly 5000 BC to 332 BC. After a short lunch break at the bakery on campus or Zooba (again) and a coffee boost, we returned to the lecture hall for an afternoon filled with Ancient Egyptian Art and Architecture. Finally, we capped off our day in the classroom with a look at the cities and temples of Memphis, Abu Sir, and Luxor, to name a few.

After class, many of us chose to wander over to the athletic facilities where a group of us played games (Sharks and Minnows and Marco Polo) in the pool and while some hit the (basketball) courts, weight room, etc. And after dinner, most (if not all) of the group gathered together for a movie night in one of the apartments. Out of all the movies on Netflix, we chose Shrek II... and I have no regrets. We are back in the (freezing cold) classroom for another full day tomorrow, and I hope we learn lots!


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